NBA Betting North Carolina: How to Bet on NBA in NC

Fact Checked by Blake Weishaar

NBA betting is now available in North Carolina! Below I outline what you need to know before getting started with betting on the NBA in North Carolina.

NBA basketballs
See for Terms. Must be 21+ to participate & present in NC only. New Customer Offer. Subject to eligibility requirements. Rewards are non-withdrawable bonus bets that expire in 7 days. Gambling problem? Call 877-718-5543 or visit

NBA Betting Explained: How to Bet on Basketball

Betting on NBA games at North Carolina sportsbooks is easy. Just follow these steps:

  1. ✅ Choose a sportsbook.
  2. ✅ Create a new player account.
  3. ✅ Deposit funds using one of the sportsbook's approved methods.
  4. ✅ Navigate to the NBA betting section, where you'll find tabs of upcoming NBA games and betting markets.
  5. ✅ Choose the type of bet you want to place.
  6. ✅ Enter the amount you want to wager into your betslip and confirm your bet.
  7. ✅ Monitor the NBA game and collect any winnings you earn!

How to Read NBA Betting Lines: How NBA Moneylines Work

NBA odds are almost always presented in the American odds or moneyline format. You'll see either a plus sign or a minus sign in front of a number. The number following a plus sign (+) is the amount you can win on a $100 bet. The number following a minus sign (-) is the amount you would need to bet to win $100.

These odds demonstrate an NBA team's perceived chances of winning or losing. Negative odds indicate the favored basketball team; positive odds indicate the underdog. All you have to decide is which team will win.

The American odds format is used to indicate not just moneyline markets, but totals, futures, and prop bets, as well. So, if you understand how NBA moneyline odds work, you'll understand the rest of NBA betting that much better.

Must be 21+ to participate & present in NC. T&Cs Apply. Play Responsibly. Gambling problem? Call 877-718-5543 or visit

NBA Betting Tips for North Carolina Bettors

  1. 💡 Stay up to date on the latest NBA news, such as injury reports, transactions, game locations, player stats, and matchup history.
  2. 💡 Click through all the tabs under "NBA" at betting sites. You might find some timely and interesting markets available.
  3. 💡 Shop for the best odds! The same bet could have different odds across multiple sportsbooks. For example, DraftKings has Nikola Jokic at +250 MVP odds, while BetMGM has his MVP odds at +200. The +250 bet would yield a higher payout for the same result.

Best Basketball Betting Sites in North Carolina

There are eight operators with a online North Carolina sports betting app license. Here's what I think each one does best for NBA bettors:

NBA Betting Markets: Popular Types of NBA Betting

See for Terms. Must be 21+ to participate & present in NC only. New Customer Offer. Subject to eligibility requirements. Rewards are non-withdrawable bonus bets that expire in 7 days. Gambling problem? Call 877-718-5543 or visit
  • NBA Futures Odds NBA futures odds are a type of betting odds that relate to events or outcomes that will occur in the future, typically over a longer period of time during the NBA season. Common examples include NBA Finals winner, division winners, MVP and Rookie of the Year.
  • NBA Player Prop Bets NBA player prop bets, short for "proposition bets," are wagers placed on specific events or individual performances within an NBA game that have nothing to do with the overall outcome. Some common examples include points totals, rebounds totals, first or last scorer, and three-point totals.
  • NBA Spreads: How NBA Point Spreads Work An NBA point spread is a margin of victory that sportsbooks establish to encourage betting on both sides of a matchup. Sportsbooks assign a point spread to every game. The favorite team has to win by the designated amount of points, and the underdog has to lose by the designated amount of points, for the bet to pay out.
  • NBA Against The Spread Betting NBA against the spread betting (ATS) means placing a wager on an NBA team with the expectation that they will perform better than the point spread set by the sportsbook. When you bet against the spread, you are not just betting on a team to win the game, but also considering the margin of victory.
  • NBA Parlays An NBA parlay bet combines multiple individual bets into one single bet. To win, all the selected bets within it must be correct. If any of the bets in the parlay is incorrect, the entire parlay is lost. As you combine more selections, your odds get longer and you risk more, but your potential payout is higher.
  • NBA Live Betting All of the NBA bets I discussed above can be made pregame or as during live betting. Sportsbooks update odds for these markets in game depending on how the action is unfolding. Depending on the terms of the wager, you can cash out bets early, edit them or place new ones after an NBA game tips off.
See for Terms. Must be 21+ to participate & present in NC only. New Customer Offer. Subject to eligibility requirements. Rewards are non-withdrawable bonus bets that expire in 7 days. Gambling problem? Call 877-718-5543 or visit

Today's Best NBA Bets in North Carolina

I recommend checking odds boards and North Carolina sportsbook promos daily to see what value you can find. There are a few betting categories I keep a close eye on throughout the NBA season.

Top 5 NBA Team Records

These are the top 5 teams by record as of the end of the 2024 regular season:

  1. 🥇 Boston Celtics: 64-18
  2. 🔺 Oklahoma City Thunder: 57-25
  3. 🔺 Denver Nuggets: 57-25
  4. 🔻 Minnesota Timberwolves: 56-26
  5. 🔺 LA Clippers: 51-31

Charlotte Hornets

The Charlotte Hornets are North Carolina's hometown NBA team. The Hornets were established as an expansion team in 1988 and operated as the New Orleans Hornets/Pelicans from 2002-04. The franchise returned to Charlotte in 2004.

Unfortunately, they have the longest active playoff drought in the NBA and currently have one of the worst records in the league.

NBA Playoffs

The NBA playoffs are a multi-round, best-of-seven tournament that concludes with the NBA Finals. Teams advance through the First Round, the Conference Semifinals, and the Conference Finals.

The top six teams in each conference automatically earn a playoff seed, while the Nos. 7-10 teams compete in the play-in tournament to determine the final two seeds.

We're tracking the Hornets playoff chances throughout the NBA season.

Must be 21+ to participate & present in NC. T&Cs Apply. Play Responsibly. Gambling problem? Call 877-718-5543 or visit

NBA Finals

The NBA Finals cap the NBA playoffs. The last two teams standing, the Eastern Conference champions and the Western Conference champions, face off in a best-of-seven series. Games alternate between each team's home arena. The winning team is awarded the Larry O'Brien Trophy.

We're also tracking the Hornets NBA Championship odds for this season and beyond.

End-of-Season Awards

Each league's end-of-season awards look slightly different. These are the main ones you can place a futures bet on in the NBA:

Must be 21+ to participate & present in NC. T&Cs Apply. Play Responsibly. Gambling problem? Call 877-718-5543 or visit

North Carolina NBA Basketball Betting FAQs


Shannon Lane is a commercial editor and fact-checker for BetCarolina. She's spent the last decade working in sports media, including at NFL Media and as a reporter/fact-checker at Sports Illustrated. She covers everything NFL football to give North Carolina sports betters the best information on the Panthers and other NFL teams.

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